SotA & Covid-19

To our beautiful community,

It is with very heavy hearts that we write to let you all know that we have made the difficult decision to cancel our May 2020 session.

In the time since our last update, our perception of the pandemic has changed dramatically: it is clear it will not be safe for us to gather under one roof in only six weeks. We are making the decision to cancel now rather than our original timeline of early April. In this moment of great upheaval, we hope having this decision made will bring us all some peace in the face of so much uncertainty.

We, like you, feel devastated to lose our time together in May. It is an enormous loss to not see and share space with many of our returning SotA family, along with the many new faces. But we remain hopeful for future sessions together, in spite of the uncertainty of when that will be.

We hope you are all safe, healthy, and connecting with loved ones, and that you have the resources you need. This crisis has starkly illustrated the gross inequities within our culture, and the systemic privilege that allows some to have enough when so many others do not. SotA continues its deep commitment to breaking down the financial barriers to education and safe(r) spaces – even if that may look a little different this year. 

It’s impossible to say with certainty what the rest of this year will look like. We would be foolish to immediately reschedule. If there is a future where we can hold a session this year, we will work to do it. Right now, though, we are hunkering down and waiting. We’ll see what the next few months are like and continue to reassess as things progress.

Whenever our next session is: 

• Faculty and staff who have been accepted are still accepted for our next session. 

• If you have already applied as a student, your application will apply towards our next session.

• If you have already been awarded a scholarship, that will still apply towards our next session. 

While we don’t know when this next session will be, we are dreaming of a time when we can be together, laying in the sunshine, learning and living in community.

We do have something in the works for our community to stay virtually connected, which we hope to share in the next few weeks. We are giving ourselves space to rest, grieve, process, and work without impending deadlines. We want to be here for you during this time of isolation, and to remain connected as a community. We know that this community and the rich connections within it will remain active and strong during this time of unrest. We need each other more than ever. ️

Sending love from our corners of the world,

Heidi, Chelsea, Nelle, Adam, and Velvet

We wanted to also share some resources with you all that have been shared with us:

COVID-19 Resources for the Artist Organization Field from Common Field

Pirate Care, a Syllabus