Our work service program is an integral component the our community life at School of the Alternative. All students, faculty, and staff work together to make our community function. We clean each others’ dishes, work in our community garden space (and the garden and farm at Warren Wilson College), we're harvesting vegetables that we then prepare for one another. We're documenting our experiences and sharing that with one another. We're coordinating class needs, setting up each other's classrooms, and planning and organizing events. We all work to make our community function, and this further promotes both a sense of community and collaboration, and further connects us to both the land and each other.
Our work program is held for two hours every day, and students are divided into work groups that cycle through each work program: Kitchen, Garden, Archive, Sanitation, and Operations.
Image one of garden work service by Jaime Reyes, image two of kitchen work service by Faythe Levine.