Support SotA this Giving Tuesday


School of the Alternative has joined #GivingTuesday, a global movement that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities, and organizations to encourage collective action and to celebrate generosity worldwide. Occurring this year on November 27, Giving Tuesday serves to inspire people to collaborate in improving their local communities and to give back in impactful ways to the causes and communities that they support. 

We are very excited to have received our official 501c3 status this year, meaning that all of your donations are tax deductible!

We are asking that you give. At SotA, our current budget (funded through tuition from paying students) covers the cost of food, lodging, transportation (gas to and from airports to pick folks up), and operational expenses (storage unit, PO box, email, and website expenses). 

All else will be funded through generous donations both inside and outside of our community. Many of our class supplies in the past have been donation based, and every contribution, from a few dollars to your time helping spread the word, is immensely helpful to our incredibly bare bones, DIY budget. Click the link below to donate, or to learn more about non-monetary ways to support SotA!

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