We are on the path to create the radical future for SotA that we've dreamt of together. Thank you for raising your hand to do this work alongside of us!

how can i help on SOCIAL MEDIA?!

• Put link to the campaign in your own bio:

• Reach out to supporters with a big social media presence who will direct their friends and followers to the campaign. 

• Like, share, and save SotA posts - this helps our reach IMMENSELY!

• DM people our posts!

• Share the bingo prompt linked below and prompt followers to give small amounts which you can then match. You could also do this without matching!

• Sell or raffle your art to benefit SotA, a la Rita, Sarah, etc

• Notice who is liking your SotA posts, and message them. Ask them to donate (even $10 makes a difference), and ask them to reshare the post – especially if it's an old SotA bud, since they will be able to share with the context of their own experience! See below for boiler plate text for a place to start!

• Keep consistently posting SotA / the campaign to your social media, even if it feels you have already done this lots. Some folks will have to see the ask many times before they take action, and different language will inspire different people, so keep putting it out there.

• Tag other SotA lovers (ambassadors and others) to get more traction.

how can i help outside of social media?

• Contact your wider circle: reach out to
past co-workers, school cohorts,
lovers, old professors
family/family friends
your SotA pals, really anyone you think might be into it!

• You do all the heavy lifting, or you can copy one of the SotA board members to someone you are comfy sharing about SotA with for us to do the money ask! HAPPY TO!

• Forward our newsletters to people! (March, April, May, June)

• Write about SotA in your own newsletter or art group listserv or publication

• Connect us to a press contact who might wanna do a story around our community or radical pedagogy. Open to a wide range – bloggers, podcasters / pirate radio folks, NY Times peeps, local papers, and more.

• Host an interview or panel discussion; talk about SotA from an inner circle position.

• ˙Host an event or art show that raises funds for SotA

• We have created flyers, you can print them and hang them coffee shops, jewelry stores, art galleries, where they support art education, business with front-facing windows, even leave it on a table!